Monday, January 16, 2012

Welcome to "My Year of Plants"

Welcome to My Year of Plants, a monthly investigation into what these (usually) green creatures mean to us humans in the modern world. It is somewhat ironic that my decision to embark on this venture coincided with the proverbial last straw: I inadvertently and finally killed off the last of my of house plants, including two cacti that were considered impervious to neglect and incompetence. But, no more! The year 2012 is, for me and for any of you reading this blog, the year of the plant. What role do plants have in my daily life? With Google at my fingertips, do they really matter? Who can hope to grow anything in the urban-scape in which most of us live? What do I eat, and what should I buy from the grocery store? These questions and many more will be addressed in this blog, every month during 2012.

You will be treated to tips, pictures, recipes, links to websites, book favorites, (hopefully) interesting and instructive anecdotes, and much more from the plant kingdom. However, only a taste, pun intended, from these topics will be found in this blog. The meat (sorry) of the plant-based information I wish to share with all of you will be the subject of my book entitled “My Year of Plants”, to be published in early 2013. The book, as with the blog, will be divided into 12 parts, chapters, or entries, depending on the medium, each of which will be dedicated to one plant-related monthly topic. For example, in January you can look forward to everything you ever wanted to know about house plants, my attempt to find penance after the 2011 fiasco alluded to above, and to delve into the important topic about how we should best beautify, using greenery, our indoor living spaces. February will be dedicated to…well, you will just have to stay tuned to this blog to find out more.

So, eat another salad, grow something healthy, wear a sweater embroidered with sequined flowers, and join me for a fun, fascinating year of plants!

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